Rotar dealers A global network for
technical support!

Even with the best will in the world, our equipment can break down. Don't panic! We guarantee 15 years of technical support and thanks to our worldwide network of dealers, there is always a service, repair or maintenance professional nearby. Technicians we train in quality so they can minimise downtime.

Become a Rotar dealer? This is how we give you the red crush!

With availability of components and parts
With operating, installation and maintenance manuals
With training in technical support and service

What makes you a suitable Rotar dealer?

We promise customers 15 years of technical support. A period during which we want to offer them a great experience in installation, use and maintenance. Are you able and willing to provide this technical support and service and thus become an important link between Rotar and the end users of our attachments? Then join our dealer network!

Rotar dealer
"The support from Rotar is perfect. Rotar asks that customers know we are always around when they need us. Rotar makes us fully available for that. Components and parts are available, manuals up to date and technical training expert."
Stronger, tougher, Rotar!

The branches Rotar empowers as… …The operators first choice!

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Screening & segregation
Screening & segregation
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40 Years of passion - Rotar
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